Go 2 Russia

Go 2 Russia

— cost-effective solutions for the foreign non-resident companies and their representative offices in Russia, interested in the rapid development of the local market without investing in own infrastructure  

Products of Go 2 Russia service will be useful and interesting for foreign companies, as well as for their representative offices in Russia

A tool for increasing competitive capacity and reducing fixed costs and investments into Russian infrastructure for foreign companies and their representative offices operating in Russia.

The services represent an individual comprehensive solution for sales to Russian customers or purchases from Russian suppliers in the local market using our Russian company as an agent or contractor


Coming to Russia with your own subsidiary or as part of a joint venture is not part of your strategy


cooperation with dealers or distributors requires the usage of large resources


The task is to find a supplier of Russian raw materials, semifinished products or products


Support and coordination of export from Russia is needed


Agency schemes with Your interested Russian buyer or supplier and on the basis of an international delivery contract with a non-resident


the sale of imported products on local markets in Russia and on the territory of the Customs Union from a Russian neutral importer without investing in your own infrastructure

Give an opportunity

to make purchases on the local Russian market through a neutral exporter from Russian suppliers of raw materials and components in order to procure foreign products facilities on the basis of an international procurement agreement

Our products from the Go 2 Russia service

Our Clients– non-resident foreign companies and their Russian representative offices

At any moment

they can purchase or distribute goods on the local Russian market without registering a subsidiary


consulting, informational and marketing services about the Russian market conditions from reliable sources


the right suppliers or customers on the territory of Russia, even if the Russian counterparties are not ready to conduct export-import trade


with Russian clients within the framework of warranty and maintenance services for projects without having their own infrastructure in Russia


comfortable partnership with Russian counterparties with minimal fixed costs in trade transactions with, products or raw materials


the neutral trade and logistics platform MultiBuyer, which is a professional solution for conducting international trade operations related to deliveries or purchases in Russia

Contact us

write to us and we will respond as soon as possible